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We're Moving!

arrowsandbow9 • March 1, 2021

We're Moving! 

What the heck are we doing right now?!

We get the question, ‘you just finished your house, why are you moving? So let’s share...what we’re thinking, why we’re thinking this.

To start, let’s give you a little bit of our moving history to give you some context into our next move:

The very first house we bought was in 2008. We were young, had just gotten pregnant with Gabe, I was actually just about to have Gabe. And it was a stretch for us to do this house. It was a really big deal for us to be able to do [ buy ] this house.

Full disclosure, we’ve had a little bit of help. My parents gave us an initial loan that we used to be able to put money on the down payment and then we paid them back. We couldn’t have done it without them, truly. 

One of the main reasons we wanted to get into this and share each of our point of view’s is because we wanted to give you some context into how we’re able to go and buy an Inn. A lot of people have asked how did you do this or how did you get to this point and so we just kind of wanted to give our backstory on that!

A few years after being marries, we bought our first home. We did all of the work on it ourselves. It was the first house we ever did anything to and we lived in it for eight years. Dino never had any expectation nor wanted to move EVER. He wanted to die in that first house because it was big and spacious. Back then, before the trailer, we were homebodies. We stayed right where we were in our nice little house that we had fixed up and we were very comfortable.

Eight years later we bought land and were hoping to build a house on it. In the meantime, we bought a trailer to live on this land. The trailer was $8000 and we renovated it for $3000 ourselves. And our main thought was we wanted somewhere comfortable to live while we built our home. So we went from big, comfortable house, sold the house, used the profits to buy the land. Bought a trailer for a total of $11,000, to live on the land. And we thought, “oh we’ll live in a trailer and you build a house in like 2 or 3 months right? That’s how it works? Just like that, houses are easy.” Super naive. 

But no, after a few months of living on the land we realized that this was going to be way longer than that, it costs so much money to build a house, and the land that we bought was such sort of a money pit. We literally poured all of our money just into dirt. We got some really questionable advice and we trusted some people that we thought were going to help us.   
With all the ups and downs we went through it ended up being one of the best learning opportunities. If you’ve been following us for a while you know that us living on the land was one of the greatest things to have ever happened to us, because it pushed us out of our comfort zone, it pushed us to look at life differently. We got rid of everything that we owned to move into the trailer, and it was really challenging. And I like using the word challenging because I feel like it’s a word that produces growth. It’s not like a negative thing. So this season of our life ended up being a really good experience.

We lived in the trailer for 18 months. The reason why that ended was Dino got a job offer outside of SoCal. So we moved up north, sold the land, sold the trailer, sold everything that we had, and then started over again.

In the end we actually ended up losing money on the land. One of the reasons that we made the move up north is that we realized that we weren’t really going to be able to afford it at that point. It was going to cost a lot for us to build a house, it was costing us so much money just to prep the land to even be able to build. All of the money we had made after 8 years of being in our previous house, that we put towards the land, we basically lost all of it. So it just made sense when Dino got this job offer to make the move. And we bought the little Spanish bungalow in Northern California.

We were able to make this move because Dino got a job offer that provided the income for that. And we were planning on living there for a long time. Our posture since the RV has always been open hands, no grip on anything. We  were going to live there as long as God guided us to be there! 

In December  of 2019,  we both started to feel, a bit of stirring in us. We were both getting this gut feeling that God had some kind of move for us coming up. January and February we both felt kind of unsettled. So we kept praying about it, just as we have learned to do with everything else in life. Our main thing has just been to keep this open hand. Although we had just finished that house and put so much work into it, we have learned to keep that same mindset of "do you want to do something else with us?". Just keeping an open mind always.  

The vineyard house came up on the market and it was such a great investment property we knew we had to go for it. We were able to sell our smaller home and make a profit on it, which allowed us to do all of the renovations on the new house.The people that bought our home wanted all of our furniture as well, so it was the beginning of a fresh start... again. 

We started renovations on Chateau Petrone in March. Ripped everything out, and then everything happened in the world and we already had no walls, no windows, and we were like well, we have to keep going because we can’t live like this. If you’re new and you weren’t following along, all of those remodel videos are on IGTV so you can go back and see the hot mess this house was when we first bought it. But we saw the potential in it. And we thought maybe we’ll have another baby, this will be great to have more space. We really just wanted to have the property for other people. Not to have extra space for stuff, but to fill with more people. We renovated this place like crazy and ultimately ended up filling it with one person, Bob. 

In a way it feels like God kind of set us up pre-pandemic for us to have a cozy little spot to have our baby Fox in.

So where we’re at right now…
We finished this house a few months ago. We love this house. This house is basically done, we still have to do a little bit of stuff outside. But we are constantly in that mindset now that we’ve seen God work in us that way. We are content here, we don’t need to move anywhere, "but what do you want to do with us?" We feel like we’re ready to do something, but what is it? And we’ve just been praying about it, we’re always praying about it basically. But it’s that same feeling we got last December, like somethings going to happen, like a stirring. Dino feels uncomfortable in the calm if that makes sense at all. We thrive in an organized chaos. We like stuff happening, but also it’s good for us just to be still with nothing happening and sometimes I feel like God has us positioned that way too. Its definitely a balancing act of leaning into who God made us to be, and really listening for what He wants. 

As we were sitting in that waiting spot,  I had asked a girlfriend, Madison, who lives in Florida, if she knew of a great vacation spot. And she told me about a few places that were her favorite. Anna Maria Island was one of them. I kind of locked onto that one, I didn’t know why at the time, but now I know why. God was definitely working on something. Because a couple weeks later we were talking to Dino’s sister and brother-in-law, they were pastors in New Zealand, and they are moving back here and looking for a place to land. It just happened to be that one of the spots was right there in Bradenton, which is right next to Anna Maria Island. They know a church there that they had connections with and so they booked their trip to go along with us.

Throughout that month, when we planned it to be a trip about just going on a vacation, it turned into God putting on our hearts that we were going to move there. And same with my sister in law and brother in law. That push and that nudge to move there kept getting stronger. So we just kept praying about it, we don't want to make any big moves (literally and figuratively ) in our lives if God doesn't want it for us. We have no desire to do anything unless it’s in His will. But when we went there, we just immediately fell in love with it.

The feeling of God pushing us there is the biggest reason for our move. 

A few other reasons for this big life change...
Our kids. We really want a life for them where they can run free. If that makes any sense... we just both started envisioning our kids running on the beaches, never wearing shoes and experiencing life in a more relaxed way. So I say free... I guess I also mean a slower paced life.  And as I was designing Gabe’s room for him in the nautical theme, I was like, he thrives off of that. We’ve known for a long time a major modification in Gabe’s behavior when he’s in the ocean water. He just becomes this different kid. He’s just so happy being in the water. He’ll be in the water for like 6 hours a day and he’s just joyful and happy. It hit us that he’s almost 12, and we have a couple more years left with him, I really just want to soak all that in. If we have the ability to do this with Dino’s job - yes, he is able to work remote, so he will still be doing that - if we have the ability to do this right now and we could rent this house out, then why wouldn’t we do that? 
When we got to Florida, we didn’t know necessarily what we were looking for. We usually start throwing out ideas and dreaming together. That’s one thing that we very much encourage other married couples to do is to talk about crazy stuff and dream together. Ash dubbed this year the year of the bath-ie where we would sit in the bath and dream of all the things, I mean why not?  Well our dreaming turned into reality when we started talking about buying a motel. I saw a really cute one as we were driving down the road and I was like " Oh babe, wouldn't that be so fun?" I quickly hoped on Redfin and was on the hunt for a motel! And it just so happened that a cut little Inn, just a short 30 seconds away from the beach was on the market. We put an offer in and after a few days, we got that cute little Inn by the beach.
 Our plan is to keep the Northern Cali home, rent it out on Airbnb, and use the cash from that to try to pull off our next deal. Its risk, but we try to take calculated risks. Dino loves running numbers and doing finances, I look for the beauty in a project and we work together to try to make these sorts of big life moves.
One big question we've gotten is "how do you know when God is telling you to do something?" The best way Dino could describe this is that we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We talk with him everyday. We spend time praying both by ourselves and together, reading our Bibles, seeking him on the little things. It’s just the practice of listening to God’s voice on the little things . And then eventually as you build that relationship with Christ and as you spend a lot of time trying to hear what His voice is on the little things, when you get put in situations where it’s like ok now I’m in a little bit bigger thing, you’re familiar with His voice because you’ve spent time trying to hear what he’s got to say. With a move like this, it’s kind of a scary shift. We're moving away from family, moving across the country and really taking stepping out in faith. But we just keep praying for Gods will to be done in our lives. We both don't want any of this if God doesn't want it for us. We've seen it too many times when we're going after a house or job and it makes so much sense to us to get them. But then we don't and we feel devastated and question God,. Only later to see that He had something so much better in store for us. So that constant state of mind of keeping an open hand is where we try and position ourselves.

We are excited about this move. We'll be heading to Florida April 1st! My mind is going wild with ideas for the Inn, I can't wait to get my hands on it. And the kids are so excited for this next season of life as well. Our kids are so incredibly adaptable. Our lives have changed so much and they thrive off of it. We’ve really spent a lot of time ensuring that as a family unit that’s where their strength comes from, not outward but inward. When chaos happens we all kind of gel tight and come together. If anything, they’re so excited about it. They didn't even want to come home!
Usually we haven’t really made decisions based off of our children. Usually it's our family or a job, but this one was really about them too. They're a little bit older so I really wanted to see what they wanted. While we were in Florida I was constantly checking in with them and they are obsessed. It just all felt so right.
We're also so very excited to have Dinos sister and our brother in law. They will be starting a church there and its gonna be great having family so close. We've been praying for more community and a church home, so this just feels like an answered prayer. 
What about all of the work we did to this house and the kids rooms?
We will put our heart and soul into every single thing that we do. Even if we live in a rental property for a month, I am still going to make it feel like a home. And I learned that very early on when we lived in the trailer, that was my goal. I thought, if we’re going to live in here for three months while we build a house I am going to make it feel like home. And that’s really important to me. I don’t get emotionally attached to things easily or places so it’s easy for me to step away so I’ve just tried to keep that position and just keep that loose grip on things but still put my heart and soul into it.
Dino is slightly different. He has a really hard time leaving a place like this. It’s not a good thing and he knows that. And I’ll kind of help him work through it. It’s not like he’s attached to the house, but he’s such a natural homebody and someone who creates a comfortable scenario and if he has to leave that uncomfortable situation then he gets uneasy. But as soon as he’s outside of the comfort, he thrives and he does so much better. When he sits and is idol in a place that is too comfortable for too long he goes nuts. He knows that about himself and I know that about him. We know how each other works and I am always there to pull him down a path of what is best for him and he does the same with me in different areas too. 

So we are going to renovate The Inn and hope to plan for booking in July - we have an email set up - - to request pre booking! 
We know it is going to be something really special and something that my touch could get put on. I want every guest to be able to have a BlueJay Electric bike they could ride around town on, a bottle of Sophie James wine. Like you show up and it’s just a little bit more us, you’re a part of the family. 
Dinner by Dino for guests? And that was one thing that I was like, wouldn’t it be so fun if every Wednesday was Barbecue by Dino and Dino did barbecue. Even just at random. He loves to cook for other people. It’s how he shows love to other people. It’d be so cool to have a coffee shop there and like barbecue and serve food out of it. We just love community and we just love the idea of being able to cultivate and create a cool space where people could come and just relax and unwind and enjoy their time. 
Will we be homeschooling? I have no idea. The kids will be going to some schooling there. Maybe homeschooling. That would be awesome to be able to do that. I just don’t know if I’d have the time to do that with renovating and a baby.
How did we find a realtor? We got on our trip and one of my followers, Jessica, wrote me and was like hey, I’m a realtor here. There’s this property, you guys are talking about this, you guys should look at this and I was like ok. So we went and met her at the first property and she was just our shark and a firecracker. Dino’s picky and needs some very specific attributes about our realtors. And she’s done really good by us.
Yes, we’ll live in The Inn - It is big enough to house us. Our Inn has  3, 2 bed 1 baths and one 1 bed 1 bath. So our family has lived in 180 square feet, it’s not overly difficult for us. If it’s a 700-800 square foot apartment that's plenty for us. We’re excited to see what the future holds and we’ll definitely be sharing it.

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