Did Christmas sneak up on anyone else? Like, pretty sure I was just in labor with our little Fox and BAM, she's 4 weeks. Hold the phone there, Foxi!
I am so grateful for this time of year spent with our family and taking some much needed time to slow down and reflect. With just a few days until Christmas, we are planning some fun, cuddly family activities to get us in the spirit of the season. Now more than ever, we understand our blessings and we are so grateful for these memories to be made with our fam!
Make paper snowflakes:
These are so simple, low cost and make such a statement! You really only need paper bags, glue, scissors and ribbon and these incredible creations come to life! Hang on the tree or by a window and you have a simple craft that really brings a smile. Watch my friend Cynthia's tutorial
Make DIY ornaments:
We busted out our crafty side this week and the kids made the most adorably simple ornaments for our tree. And these make perfect gifts to for Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents etc! We used our
mini polaroid camera
(such a great gift btw!), newspapers, string and some other items around the house and they went to town. They look so special because they each have their own personality and they are made with love. Oh, I'm tearing up - darn you pregnancy hormones! I have a ton of other ideas that I have saved on