I am always getting asked how I find deals when out shopping. I tell people where I get things and then most of the time they run for the hills or they tell me they get that overwhelming panicky feeling when walking in a discount store. Well here are some tips on how to accomplish a successful bargain shopping trip, that you can enjoy! •Know your stores. What places do you want to hit and why. Ask your favorite store what day they get their shipments on. When you know your store, you can navigate its content much more efficiently. •Know your brands. This is REALLY important when shopping at Tjmaxx, Marshalls, Ross, Nord Rack. Go to the “contemporary brands” section at these stores. There you will find more bang for your buck. High quality/expensive brands, for less. If you know what brands you are looking for its easier to “hunt” through all the rubble and mess of the store. Just search for (that brands) tag. This will take away that overwhelming feeling some people get. •Know your prices. Phones are super handy for this. If you’re not sure if the price is right, hop on that smart phone and type it in on your web browsing page or check out eBay for a comparable item. This will ensure that you are actually getting a good deal. •Lastly, take a few extra minutes to hunt. Go down that weird isle, check the end caps, look behind that giant picture, look high and look low. I promise there is something to be had. That special treasure you didn’t even know you wanted is waiting for you. You just need to take a second to search for it. grab yourself a coffee and go hunt!
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