The old stock tank pool. I love when older traditions become hip trends! I first saw this amazing idea from @sunwoven Erin rocked here out with a gorgeous yellow exterior, so fun! This whole project cost a total of $600. It was actually fairly simple to set up!
We decided to set ours on top of our grass. We didn’t really use the grass area at all because it’s small and our kids usually play out front, so it was the best blank slate for us. At first we laid down rocks under the pool area, we thought it would ground the pool and be almost like a drain for the water. We quickly realized that it wasn't too smart putting a metal pool over sharp rocks, once filled it would have not felt good at all through the pool. So I moved all the rocks to the exterior of the pool and added step stones. Now this, this we are happy about. Again allows for an area that can soak in the water without it being all messy and sloppy. I also added a little walkway with the stones.
I painted the pool with exterior paint. Color is the same as our house paint, Benjamin Moore Simply white. I was going to add a design to it, but realized I loved the simplicity of the simple white. I’ve heard from others to not paint the interior because it will just chip. So we left ours.
After the pool was set in place, we drilled our two holes, attached all of the pieces, and connected the pump. I sealed the holes with water proof sealer and did two coats just to be safe.
I filled the pool slowly to double check if there were any leaks... and there were none!
This pool is treated like a real pool. So chlorine tablets, filter and a pump. Keeps the water fresh and clean all season! You can make a cover for it or I read people got larger round patio table covers and used those as covers. We’re so happy with it and will be enjoying it all summer long!!
Check out @heywanderer original you tube video for the step by step DIY!
Product list:
Stock Tank
Intex Pump
Leaf Skimmer
Plunger valves
Silicone Sealer
Pool Testing kit
Chemical Dispenser
Rubber Washer
Strainer Nut
Threaded Strainer connector