Not even in my wildest of dreams did I ever see this coming. Thats what makes this all so exciting… the unexpected surprise. Im an avid Redfin stalker, I have the app on my phone and I check it every Friday a.m. with all of my regular settings and filters set up. We have been looking for a while now for that special house. You know that one, the ugliest house on a nice street, deal. The one that everyone else is looking for… Thanks JoJo and Chip. I had never even imagined the thought of buying land. Not in SoCal, and not in a nice neighborhood. Well God had different plans. Do you know how many times Ive put my house on the market, how many times we’ve put offers in on houses? A lot! We’ve gotten so close, only to end with a disappointment and a question of “why did we have to go through all of that God?” Well, have you ever felt like something was set aside for you. Like it was hidden from everyone else so you could have it, it was meant to be yours? Thats how we feel about our new adventure. Ok…Yes, we are buying land and building a house! 2.2 acres with a view! My mind is blown, I haven’t slept in the last 5 days, Ive come down with a cold… and I don’t care! So here the skinny on what happened… I was on my laptop on Friday night just browsing Redfin, the settings are not set on it, so anything and everything comes up. I always check the pricey neighborhoods and as I was doing so I see something WAY under priced. The hubs agreed to drive by it with me on our way to dinner that night, and we both fell in love immediately when we saw it! After we called our realtor we figured out it wasn’t on the MLS for our area, in fact it was on an MLS in an area 2 hours from our house, hence it being set aside just for us. Saturday am we set out to make an offer on the land. After a night of no sleep and waking up uneasy about our realtor and what we were going to offer, we ended up switching realtors to a family friend who is a contractor and new home builder. Not only did he save us a huge chunk of money, he has proven to be a gift from God, saving us time, money, and hassle. Because I am crazy and I wanted to be prepared for anything and everything, during all this waiting, my mom and I were preparing my house for the sale of it. Fast forward 2 days and we have started escrow on the land, our house is on the market and we are moving into a new chapter and adventure in our lives!
Here is the greatest part. I didn’t have to beg Dino. I didn’t have to push him. Which is normally the way it goes… I am the pedal and he is the brakes. From day one, we were both aligned and equally excited. It can confidently say that God had protected us all those times for making some bad or unneeded decisions these last few years. Its like He was saying, “nope, not yet… I got you girl. Just be patient.” Where are we gonna live in the mean time? I have NO idea! We may end up in an apartment, in someones guest house, we may buy a trailer and live on the land while the house is being built. We don’t know, don’t care, and are so excited to go on this adventure! And I am so excited to share it all with you guys! Here some pics of our house now… ready to sell!