We’ve officially hit 4 months in the trailer. How did that go so fast?? And yet not a darn thing has happened on our land! There is something kinda discouraging about that… I want to see people out there with shovels! What, some dirt needs to be moved?? Where? Give me the shovel, I’ll just do it! However; not the reality. A lot is happening, its just behind the scenes. Again, another lesson in patience for me. I keep praying for it and Im not sure why Im surprised that I get stuck in these life situations where there is no other way to handle them except wait. So so hard for me, because I am a doer, not so much a wait-er. I felt like this a good time to open up to you guys about the reality of RV/trailer living and what its taught me so far. As most of you know, Ive homeschooled my boys for the past 3 years. This last year started out a little rough with my oldest son. Selling a house, moving, and moving into a trailer… did not help. The first few weeks in the trailer were an adventure, because everything was new. And the idea of homeschooling in the trailer sounded magical. I thought we would wake up slowly, make a nice breakfast, the kids would run and frolic on the land, and then wed do school, all take a nap, bake bread… lol… not reality friends! At least not for me. Most days were rough. There were about 2 weeks in there that were particularly bad. I struggled with my oldest following directions in school, id lose my patience and it was just a hot mess. I’m generally a joyful outgoing person, but there were some days I didn’t want to get out of bed because I knew what the day was going to hold. I would think, how am I going to do school with a child who doesn’t want to work or listen? Where was I gonna do laundry? I have to take the trash somewhere, I don’t want to burden anyone… All of this would hit my head and it was just a heavy burden I didn’t know how to deal with. Thankfully my sweet husband met me where I was at, carried me when I felt like I couldn’t. He encouraged me by saying, “Sometimes when we are in Gods will, its not our way and its not the easiest way, but it will always be the best way.” Such an important key to remember because thats what I ultimately want.
The school year finished, were now enjoying a busy summer, and we’ve decided an alternate school plan for this next year that Im excited about. Ive also gotten into a nice rhythm with the kids at the house.
In all of my honesty, I just want to clarify, I know I don’t live in the worst circumstances ever. My husband has a job and we did choose this life. I am SO happy we did. We have much to be thankful for. But I just feel it necessary to show the realness of it. No one is perfect and life isn’t always as beautiful as we want it to be. Ive been hit with a huge dose of humility, I mean something as simple as asking friends to do laundry, kinda puts you right in your place. On the positive side, I have seen friends and family selflessly stand up and step in, graciously opening up their homes to us. I can’t say I would have seen that side of these friends if we hadn’t chosen this path. Dino and I have also realized how much we love going over to friends houses and watching their kids, we both aren’t normally drawn to other peoples kids. But because we chose the Trailer path, our thought at first was, “Well what else are we going to do… lets just keep busy.” I don’t think we would have seen that this was a way we could serve those we love and find joy in it. When you get so stuck in a certain way, I think at times you can miss what God wants for our lives. The Tragedy isn’t that we may not get something that we want, but that we may miss out on something God wants for us. I have just been repeating this in my head over and over lately. Just meditating on that majestical truth! I am thrilled with what we are doing, through good days and bad, I know this is the best way. And of course, lets not forget the obvious light at the end of the tunnel… the house! I am so thankful and excited to be building and can’t wait to share the house with you guys! As soon as their is action… I’ll be sharing it!